Sounds, music, and images can be downloaded for your students' digital stories from the following public domain sites.

Music, Sounds

Free, Royalty Free Images

This site offers a safe, free image library for education. Teachers and students can use the copyright-friendly photos and images for classrooms, multimedia projects, websites, videos, portfolios or any other project in an educational setting. It’s easy to use, and all of the copyright information is available in a simplistic bibliography underneath any chosen photo.

This is a good place to start when looking for Creative Commons images. The panel on the left displays a collage of the first 36 photos matching your search term. Click on any of these thumbnails to get a slightly larger image and the attribution details displayed on the right. Right-click the image and choose a size. Most photos have small, medium and large sizes. Next, hit “save image as” and save it in a folder. Above the photo, you’ll find attribution text that must be included with any work you produce using the picture.

This is similar to Pics4Learning. You simply run a search, click on a thumbnail and the photo downloads with the copyright information as a caption on the photo.